As we enter the holiday season, a time often marked by both celebration and stress, I want to offer you a gift that doesn’t come wrapped in paper or tied with a bow. I wish you enough.
Enough, as a concept, can be elusive. But when it is found, it is both powerful and grounding. It is an acknowledgment of balance — having what you need to fulfill your purpose without the burden of excess. It’s a call to pause, reflect, and recalibrate in a season that often demands more of us than we can sustainably give.
Let’s explore what enough might look like in the context of our lives:
Enough Room in the Top of Life’s Glass
Imagine your life as a glass, filled to varying degrees with responsibilities, plans, and obligations. If it’s constantly brimming, how can you make space for the unexpected joys, awe-inspiring moments, or quiet beauty that life has to offer? Leave room in the top of your glass — room to exhale, to savor, and to welcome surprise.
Enough Self-Awareness to Prevent Burnout
Your body is always speaking to you; the challenge lies in listening. I wish you the self-awareness to notice when your energy wanes, when your patience thins, or when joy feels distant. Recognizing these signs isn’t weakness — it’s wisdom. Enough awareness allows you to pause, recharge, and return to yourself before burnout sets in.
Enough Love for Yourself to Extend Grace
The holidays can magnify feelings of inadequacy or the pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. In these moments, I wish you enough love for yourself to offer grace. Grace for imperfections, for forgotten details, for unmet goals. You are enough as you are, and the gifts you bring to the world — your presence, kindness, and authenticity — are uniquely yours to offer.
Enough Curiosity for a Judgment-Free Mindset
Curiosity keeps the mind open, allowing us to approach life’s complexities with wonder rather than judgment. I wish you enough curiosity to explore, to question, and to understand without the weight of preconceived notions. This mindset fosters growth, deepens connections, and creates space for empathy.
Enough Time Alone to Reset and Reconnect
The busyness of the season can drown out our inner voice. I wish you enough solitude to recalibrate and reconnect with what matters most to you. Use this time to revisit your values and priorities, ensuring they remain at the heart of your decisions and actions.
Enough Time with Loved Ones to Energize, Not Overwhelm
While togetherness is often a cornerstone of the holiday season, it’s okay to acknowledge your limits. I wish you enough time with family and friends to feel supported, celebrated, and loved — but not so much that it drains your energy. Balance is key to nurturing both your relationships and your well-being.
The Practice of Enough in Coaching and Life
As a coach, I often see the tension between striving for more and embracing enough. This holiday season, let’s lean into the latter. Enough is not about complacency; it’s about alignment. It’s about making intentional choices that honor who you are and what you need.
I invite you to reflect:
Where in your life do you already have enough? Where can you keep growing?
Where might you create more space for joy, self-love, or curiosity?
How can you gift yourself and others the grace of enough?
May this season bring you enough — enough peace, enough love, and enough moments of joy to sustain you as you continue your journey of becoming.
In your corner,